Hidden away in a forgotten isle of the internet, not too far from the popular Mary Blair section, lies the cute, adorable and innocent Rose-a-Petis-Pois; The creative twinklings of the ever talented Genevieve Godbout.
Although she doesn't update her blog as often as people would like, I'm sure if she updated it every 10 minutes it still wouldn't be enough for most of us. If that isn't enough, she also draws a mean Winnie the Pooh during her day job at Disney.
So, grab something sugary, have a glance through her most current work and practice your French while you're at it.
Anorak Magazine is completely, totally, 100% awesome and you should check it out as soon as you can. It is for kids, but with contributions from some of the worlds leading illustrators and artists, I'd rather read this than half the magazines out there for adults.
Sadly, a little hard to come by in Australia with only the odd place here and there stocking it. However, it is fairly easy to hunt down a copy in the UK for a teeny £3.50. This is an older issue, but there's a new one out now, the Daredevil Issue (now shown above too) featuring the talents of Jon Boam, Jack Teagle, Owen Gildersleeve, Simon Peplow, Tad Carpenter and JeremyVille.
* News just in. Just been made aware that legendary online Australian craftshop The Lark is now stocking this lovely number in Australia should you desire a copy.
The things Matt Cruikshank can do with a pencil are downright amazing, although, one instance in Soho was a little bit perverted. That aside, Matt is among one of the best artists I've run into in my travels. Not just because he has the ability to convey thousands of emotions across a multiple of varied animation styles, or that he has a portfolio to make most animators very jealous, but because he would often take us to the pub after work.
Nowdays, Matt has escaped the good offices of Disney London to establish himself in a more varied and creative way. One of his most impressive projects to date is Phillip & the Stove, which follows the travels of a character called Phillip Pearce. Well worth checking out. If you still want to see more of Matt Cruikshanks pencil skills, investigate his blog Ye Crooked Leg or visit Soho very late on a Thursday night.